The Welcoming Committee works in conjunction with the Greeters. Once a new visitor has been welcomed, these committee members assist the visitors to help them understand the services as necessary, make sure they have service books as needed, welcome them to Coffee Hour and generally make the visitors feel welcomed to St. Barnabas.
The Ushers are a valuable asset to the parish during our worship services. They assist visitors and parishioners with finding places to sit upon arrival to the Nave, direct the parishioners during the time of the Eucharist, and generally help with “the flow of traffic” to provide for an orderly worship service.
The Greeters are usually the first people that visitors and parishioners meet as they enter the church. They make sure that everyone receives a bulletin as they enter the church, and that visitors are directed to the Nave for worship. The Greeters are the ones that often “make the first impression” on the visitors.