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Our trained Acolytes begin serving the parish at the age of 10 and include both youth and adults. Their primary duties include serving at the liturgies and helping prepare the church for each of the services. The Acolytes are blessed for this ministry and provide a valuable asset for both parishioners and clergy.


The Coffee Hour is a special time of fellowship each Sunday as we break our fast after receiving the Eucharist. Parishioners bring food on Sunday to be shared on the Coffee Hour food table.  Participation in this helps the congregation to spend quality time in fellowship.


The Flower Ministry includes teams that acquire and prepare the flowers in the church. Teams provide a wonderful service that adds beauty and dignity to our worship. The flower arrangements include those for Sunday services as well as special services at Pascha, Christmas, and other Feasts throughout the year. 


Each month we hold a memorial to remember and pray for those that have passed away during that month in the past. Part of this ministry is the preparation of the Koliva for these monthly memorials. It also includes the maintaining and updating the list of those who have reposed in the Lord and will be remembered during these memorial service


The Prayer Partners Group consists of men and women who wish to pray for the needs of others. Prayer requests are sent to Kh. Diane, and she forwards them via email to those in the group. Those people then pray as directed in the prayer request as they are able. Updates are sent out as they are received.


The Readers provide the reading of the Epistle during the Liturgies, including the Sunday Divine Liturgy and Vesperal Liturgies during the week as the occur. The Readers are from among the laity that are blessed by the priest for this service and contribute a valuable part of our worship together.

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